Once Upon a Shtetl: A Fond Look Back at a Treasured Slice of the Jewish Past (ArtScroll (Mesorah)) Hardcover – April 20, 1996

Based on reviews, the general opinion of Once Upon a Shtetl: A Fond Look Back at a Treasured Slice of the Jewish Past (ArtScroll (Mesorah)) is that it is a good book. Many users appreciate the detail and historical perspective the book provides, while others find the lack of pictures to be a downside.

Top 5 Pros

  1. Beautifully illustrated
  2. Comprehensive and interesting
  3. Excellent research
  4. Interesting and entertaining
  5. Well written

Top 5 Cons

  1. The pictures are blurry and outdated.
  2. The pictures are small and hard to read.
  3. The pictures are not organized well.
  4. The pictures are not dated.
  5. The pictures are not captioned.